10 ways to finish the year rested
It’s Spring here in New Zealand and at this time of the year, and whilst I love it, I can start yearning for the...
The delicate balance of the nervous system: restoring harmony
In the miraculous form that is the human body, one of the key roles the autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays is to maintain stability,...
Is it time to bring back the nap?
Why I back the art of napping Some years ago, when I was working fulltime in the corporate environment, I learned that the meetings...
When we resist rest
When being ‘switched on’ feels more comfortable than resting: Why we might experience resistance to rest. We live in a culture and society that...
The power of sound vibration in relaxing and healing
Whilst it was yoga that started my own personal journey towards a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing, I have travelled a great...
6 ways I make time for rest in a busy life
The amount of time we have in a day is finite and consistent from day-to-day. 24 hours, or 1440 minutes. That’s it. Yet,...
10 ways I snuggle into hygge practices this winter
I’ve been enjoying seeing the signs that the seasons are changing, from the burnt orange leaves to the dew and frost on the grass...
Creating a sanctuary in your home for rest and stillness
If the past couple of years of uncertainty have shown us anything, it’s that we’re adaptable. As social events, work, schooling, and classes, like...
When we resist rest
When being ‘switched on’ feels more comfortable than resting: Why we might experience resistance to...
The power of sound vibration in relaxing and healing
Whilst it was yoga that started my own personal journey towards a more holistic approach...
The delicate balance of the nervous system: restoring harmony
In the miraculous form that is the human body, one of the key roles the...
Is it time to bring back the nap?
Why I back the art of napping Some years ago, when I was working fulltime...